Support for a Grieving Friend or Loved One
Grief is a complex emotion, and the experience is unique to each person. Are you wondering how to console or support a friend or loved one navigating grief and loss? Although everyone responds differently, your presence does matter.
How to Help Your Anxious Child
As a parent or caregiver of a child who is exhibiting symptoms of anxiety, it’s important to have a plan for support. Solutions for meeting the physical needs of children is often more obvious and offers more immediate results than caring for emotional and mental health needs.
Make Wellness a Priority During the Holidays and Winter Months
During the winter months, darkness comes earlier in the day, colder weather sets in, and the commitments of the holidays can leave a person feeling sad, anxious, and/or overwhelmed. That’s why it’s especially important to focus on your well-being even when it doesn’t seem easy. Here are some tips to maintaining wellness during the winter months and holidays…
Coping with Grief During the Holidays
Grief is unique and everyone experiences it differently. It is isolating, always evolving and makes grievers feel invisible and out of control. Holidays can bring up many complicated feelings. There’s a societal pressure to have a “hallmark” holiday complete with social media posts and pictures. In reality, these festive occasions aren’t always so festive even in the best of times.
Unplugging Kids this Summer
Whether you are a stay-at-home parent, a work-from-home parent, or a work-outside-the-home parent, you may struggle with how to limit child(ren)’s screen time…
Spring: Season of a Student’s Stress
For most, Spring’s sunshine and warm temperatures bring renewed hope and health. For students, however, it is the season of increasingly challenging work, final exams and difficult “next year” life choices. Powering through these tough times can take a toll on a student’s physical and mental health…
From Empty Nest to Full Heart
‘Empty nesters’ often can experience feelings of loneliness, but with support and reprioritization they have a unique opportunity to rediscover interests and build relationships.
Shining a Light on Seasonal Affective Disorder
Seasonal Affective Disorder is a form of depression for more than 10 million Americans. Stephen DeJaynes, MA, LCPC offers strategies for coping.